—Federica Calzi

Federica Calzi was born in 1989 in Italy, where she still resides. She started taking pictures to follow her curiosity and her sensitivity to the atmosphere that is secretly owned by things. She is attracted by gestures, by the way people put objects together and choose the words they want to say or to hide. Wedding photography wasn’t among the topics she imagined to inquire into, but it just happened, and it was a revelation. It is a complex event, it lasts many hours and requires attention and care, you know nothing but the plot – you don’t know the main characters nor their attitude, you don’t know how the scenery will be lighted nor the moments the day will be composed of, but all these variables are something very fascinating to observe.
It is the same attitude as when you watch a movie – despite the time spent choosing the right title and reading about the story, the director and the cast, it always reveals surprisingly different from how you imagined it. She started to collect her wedding pictures in Argòt Studio. Argòt is a dialectal word that means “something, a part of the whole”, and it encloses a gaze that desires to be independent and caretaker, where images seem to be born out of control but in fact they are embraced by the spirit that moves her will to seek them.
AJ Tamari - Christina McNeill - Corey Torpie - Daniel Kim - Docuvitae - Dos más en la mesa - Federica Calzi - Giuseppe Marano - Joanna Brown - John Dolan
Lucy Birkhead - Malorie Kerouac - Mark Brown - Meredith Heuer - Michaella Jelin-Till - Naomi Goggin - Norwud - Olivia Rae James - Olya Vysotskaya - Ramone - Reni Maria - Tejas